

How does one, the student, keep the motivation in an online course?

Without the benefit of face to face interaction on a regular basis the student at times must rely on their own drive to keep the learning alive.  This may be hard for some at times with all that life throws our way.

How does one, the instructor, motivate others in an online course?

Keeping an open line of communication can help toe the students along.  The feedback and interaction with the students is important to keep them engaged in the learning.



While I think that Wikispaces may be great for a beginner to get started. On the other hand it seems to leave a more advanced user wanting more. I am finding the WYSIWYG editor to be prone to errors, so fortunately it has a text editor that you can use to clean them up. Then the auto navigation widget is nice for some, but as my ePortfolio grows and I add new pages it had to go. It was just not working as I did not want pages to show on the navigation. I really need the ability to have child sites under the parent and to be able to have separate navigation under each child site. I have fixed this by doing separate wikis and using my own navigation on the pages, but this is not idea.

Learning management systems are a great way to take your classroom to the next level or to teach a course completely online. Students in the 21st century are tied into online technologies and this is a way to bring the classroom to them.

I am in the process of starting to build my schools Moodle site @ NCS Moodle site.

Free Moodle hosting @ Key to School



The balance of time in our lives is so precarious. With only so many hours in the day it gets to be difficult to keep the equity. We end up leaning to far to one side and then the other sides suffers. If becomes more a a juggling act with work, family and self that inevitably one ends up getting dropped from time to time. We just have to make sure that we pick it back up and keep going.

Created a pre-course survey for the Moodle 101 course that I am looking to teach in the near future.

Click here to take survey



“Are students unaware or are they simply brainwashed by a conservative government that is quietly but systematically taking away the rights of American citizens under the guise of protecting people from terrorism? Is the government selling the idea of protecting people by taking away rights to which students do not even realize they are entitled?” Christine Casey

This statement struck a cord with me and really got me thinking. I started to look at it from not just the perspective of what rights the conservative government have taken away in the name of terrorism, but also what they may not want you to read about or see on TV.

Furthermore, wondered how else bias might be present in the media. How often do journalists, producers, and editors skewing what it is that the story is really all about. In addition, how are television and paper companies choosing what and how stories are told. So not only do we have government filtering what media is covered, but there are surely other layers that are effecting the truth of the stories.

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Is such an essential view of the layers that need to be covered to accomplish true learning. When developing learning objectives it is important to cover each of the layers and finding activities to meet the needs of the learning object and to move the learner into the next layer of the process. With online learning it becomes even more difficult to accomplish this as you are reliant on the technologies at your disposal.